How to change the Default font in Photoshop
By Muhammad Atif

How to change the Default font in Photoshop

Setting Up Type Tool Defaults in Photoshop for Effortless Text Formatting

If you’ve ever been frustrated with the Type Tool in Photoshop, you’re not alone. It often seems like the font size is too small, the typeface is wrong, and the color isn’t what you want. Fortunately, there’s a way to gain better control over the Type tool and make it reliable every time you use it. Here’s how to set up your Type tool defaults to save time and effort.

Step 1: Customize Your Type Tool Settings

Start by clicking in your document to activate the Type Tool. Adjust the settings to your preferred specifications. For instance, you might want to create 413-point text using Acumin Pro or whatever you want to use. Let’s say you also want your font color to be a Green — select the color accordingly.

When you type your text, it should appear just as you want. But if you want these settings to be easily accessible for future projects, save them as a preset.

Step 2: Save Your Type Settings as a Preset

To save these settings as a preset, click away from the text to deselect it, but ensure it’s still highlighted. Then, go to the Type tool, click the dropdown list, and select the icon that allows you to create a new preset.

Give your preset a name that reflects its style, such as “Green Acumin” and click OK. This preset is now saved, and you can easily apply it to any future text with just a click.

Step 3: Create Multiple Presets for Different Styles

You can create multiple presets for different text styles. For example, if you have another favorite style, like “Another Danger”(a Typeface), you can repeat the steps above to save this as a new preset. Select your text with the desired settings, go to the Type tool, and create a preset with a name like “Paint Font” or something.

Step 4: Apply Presets to Streamline Your Workflow

In the future, whenever you need to use a particular text style, just click the Type tool and choose the preset you want from the dropdown list. Click in your document and start typing—your text will automatically use the settings from your preset.

👉🌟Find other helpful topics 🔗Identify fonts from images using Retype (beta) in Illustrator in 2024 and How to find fonts from Images? 👈Using Web.

Final Thoughts

By setting up a few key type presets, you can save time and make your workflow in Photoshop more efficient. Instead of configuring your text settings every single time, you can apply your presets with a single click. This makes it much easier to start your projects with the exact typography settings you prefer, ensuring consistency and saving you from repetitive adjustments.

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  • August 12, 2024