How to apply gradient to editable text in illustrator?

apply gradients to an editable text in Illustrator

Want to apply a gradient to editable text and don’t want to convert it into an outline in Illustrator? Keep reading or watch the tutorial.

Non-destructive method of applying gradient to text in illustrator

The best and non-destructive way to apply a gradient to text is to use the Appearance Panel in Illustrator. How to apply?

add gradients to an editable text in Illustrator

Click on the Appearance panel on the right side of Illustrator If you can’t find it, then Click on Windows (Menu Bar)  >  Appearance. Select the Text and open the Appearance panel. Click on the button Add new Fill at the bottom of the Appearance panel.

Fill in Appearance Panel

Now select the fill-in-the-panel and apply the gradient. This way, you can apply a gradient to a text non-destructively, and you can change the text whenever you want. For example, if you have written PixelPerfect and applied the gradient by the method explained, then you can still change the text to MakePixelPerfect having the same gradient.

Destructive method of applying a gradient to text in illustrator

Using this method, you can not edit the text once applied. To destructively apply the gradient to text in illustrator, you have to convert text into shapes or outlines. How to apply? First, select the text, Right Click on the text or go to the menu bar, and select Type > Create Outline.

The shortcut to convert text into an outline is Ctrl + Shift O for windows and CMD + Shift + O for Mac.

add gradients to text non-destructively

Applying this method, you can not edit the text once applied. To destructively apply the gradient to text in illustrator, you have to convert text into shapes or outlines. How to apply? First, select the text, Right Click on the text or go to the menu bar, and select Type > Create Outline.

The shortcut to convert text into an outline is Ctrl + Shift O for windows and CMD + Shift + O for Mac.

Applying the gradient to the outlines will apply a separate gradient to each letter of the text you converted into outlines.